Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Hard to Believe....

It's hard to believe that today.....I have a 19 year old son. It was just yesterday that I was driven to the hospital by my mom to welcome this young fella into the world. I was blessed that day to have my mother there with me during his birth.
Shawn has always been a unique one for sure...lol....he has an extreme crazy sense of humoer, always trying to make people laugh, loves his music and guitars, very talented with building and drawing.....
and here he is turning 19....half way thru his first semester in college...an Eagle Scout...a friend....a boyfriend....a son.....grandson....just a great kid. He hates for me to take his picture. He loves his Blue Dodge truck. His favorite food is chips and dip. Loves to play music and play Xbox. Lives to rewire, tear apart and rebuild or dream up inventions.

I wish you a happy birthday son. You blessed my life 19 years ago when things were looking down for me. You have grown up into a very handsome, well respected young man.
We Love You,
Mom & Dad!

1 comment:

Vanessa C. said...

sweet post.... funny how they grow up so quickly...