Not sure if I have shared this hat with you yet. Kayla made this cutie for Easter. I LOVE the softness of it and the ears. Just toooo cute. She is selling these for $15
and then you have Miss Danie sporting the ever so cute frog hat. I think this is my all time new favorite. This one was made for a coworker of mine so we Kayla is making them per request. $10.00
And I think our model of the hats is just the most precious model...don't you :) Speaking of Danie she is doing great. Kayla took her to the dr the other day and she is now up to 9 lbs. She is doing great. She goes in a few weeks to start all her shots :(
Okay on to the painting...I finished this painting yesterday. Actually I did a little bit more to it after I took this picture. I added some black shading to the flower which I love much better now. This is made from Basic Grey paper and some ribbon. It is a 16x20 canvas and will sell for $40.00. I'm hoping someone will like it and want to hang it in their craft room maybe. If not it will be going to Paulding Meadows in the fall.
I have a few books to sell if anyone is interested. This is the complete Fever Series by Karen Moning. It was a really great series. Retail is $59.00 brand new, read once, and I would like to sell them for $30. Below that is the complete series (minus the first book) and not pictured are several more hardbacks...11 books totaly in the Women of the Otherworld Series by Kelley Armstrong. All 11 of these retail for $100 and I would like to sell them for $40,. The only one missing is the first one in the series Bitten. I am not sure what happened to the copy I had :( Anyway....if you don't live near me and would like these....I can ship them for $4.00. Just let me know if your interested. I would like to find a great home for them. I love to read but I just don't have room for all these books anymore. Especially when I am reading like a maniac these days.
And finally I will end today's post with my first finished Birdies Block. This will be a quilt for Miss Danie. I'm thinking about making her a hope chest and putting this blanket in it for her. Each month I will make a block with these birdies on it. I think it turned out really cute :) I'm working on Februarys block right at the moment because yes, I am

Is that Moda "Bliss"? Love, love LOVE that fabric.
Is there a link to the quilt block pattern anywhere?
Love those hats! I wish I could do something like that!
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