But first....is this not the most precious thing you have ever seen...
Oh and the hat is pretty cute too. lol. I am going to do some photo altering on this one and then scrap it. I LOVE this picture. Kayla is doing so good with these hats. I am so proud of her. She has sold 2 so far. And if I could ever get the spare time I would set her up a weebly website with all her projects on there. but...I need the time to do it and that is no something I have been graced with lately.
Today will be a busy day. Once the boy gets up and heads to school...I have to take off to the grocery store and then be at the lake by 9. Fiddle there for a bit and then head to Sams. Come back....get Kayla....and head for a pedicure. Come back home and start cooking and making stuff for tomorrow. Work on housework inbetween and then head to the wedding rehersal at around 4:30. And then I have no idea what is going on this evening. Tomorrow will be about the same excpet there will be a lot of decorating, washing off chairs from the storm coming in tonight, fixing more food, taking pictures and then enjoying a beautiful wedding. I am so thankful that God sent Stephanie to Steven. They are perfect together. They balance each other. And she is just precious. We are so glad to be able to call her our Daughter N Law.
I tell you what...what a year so far and it is only April. I have became a grandmother and a mother in law in just a few months time. crazy I tell ya. But....maybe that is a sign as to what this year will bring.
The month is winding down. Sadly this is the last month of my Magistical Memories DT stint. I have so loved working with them. A wonderful company. But when one door closes another one opens so I hope I will have the chance to work with another company. I have really enjoyed working on my first two Manufacturer teams. It's been a learning experience and a joy. So....who out there wants me :) available artist at your fingertips :) teeheee.
Okay so much to do...I need to finish this cup of coffee and then finish my layout on the counter. Straighten up my scrap counter so that when the scrapping bug hits I can go full force. Pack up some items for a yard sale and oh my....here comes the little one ready for Breakfast. Okay forget all the above...it is nana time

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