I had all intentions of sharing with you our summer garden. I guess I will get to that later in the week. By the time I got home it was raining and just yuck so I never made it out there to get pictures. I am hoping to do well this year with the garden and really put up a bunch of items. We are planting tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, okra, squash, bell peppers, banana peppers, herbs and I still need to get some jalapeno peppers. I wish we had room for corn and a few other squash but I don't have enough raised beds. Oh and we have strawberries too but the birds are currently eating all my strawberries :(
Shawn had a drs appt yesterday to remove the stitches from his back. We will just say that didn't heal good at all so now we are doing a weeks worth of antibiotics...sigh.
Okay on to Project 52, which I will just say I am totally behind on. I went thru my book case and found this tiny book that I thought...okay I can read this quickly. UM NOT. I hated it. Every ounce of the book. It was Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Now here is the kicker...my daughter had to read this book in the 9th grade. HOW I have no idea. I am an avid reader.....but this book....it was soooo difficult to read, I was lost by the sentences half the time and why do you give 9th graders a book about kids killing kids? just weird is all I can say but thankfully I am done with that one! I still haven't purchased my Kindle yet. I have been waiting to either find it on sale at Target or to get a good deal somewhere but it just isn't happening yet...sigh.
Since I finished the book last night I started making this cute mug rug last night. It's stitched and cut...all pinned to the batting...just waiting for me to sew it today and then work on the binding. this is for a super cool friend that I have met online that has been so kind to me. It's not much but I just wanted to show her my appreciation somehow. Can't wait to get it done this evening. I haven't sewn in a while so it was nice to piddle with that.
And I need to work on my email to ClearSnaps....I am going to give their DT call a try. I have all my layouts finished, just need to get all the details complete. wish me luck. I LOVE their chalk inks and smooch paint so I think I would have so much fun with this company and doing Design Team work.
Well.....off I go....slacking in the picture taking..sorry about that. But time to get ready for work.
PS....I started back on Thrive again. Lets see if I can do this and lose this weight I so easily gained back.
And Benji is improving each day. I am so happy about that! I love that dog!!!
Happy Tuesday!

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