Thursday, December 8, 2011

How are you coming along?

Just a quick post to see how everyone is coming along with their New Years Resolutions or if you decided to do a Project 52?

I tried to tackle as many of my New Year Resolutions as I could. I will post my final list of course the closer we get to the end of the year. What about Project 52? I tallied up my books last original goal was to read 52 books this year. I have completed 40! ugh. so close. I might....big might....get 2 more in before the end of the year. We will see. But man so close. But I don't think 40 books is too shabby considering everything else I have managed to squeeze in this year.

Can you believe it....we are so close to 2012 already! sigh..

Okay...lots if projects coming up in the next week. Stay tuned :)

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