Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I wanted to take a moment and express how thankful I am for family...for everything.

This past year has been full of all kinds of changes for me personally and for my family. We will soon welcome our first grandchild....which has been a huge adjustment. We have emotionally been up and down with our kids but currently....our entire family is home...healthy and together! I am thankful for my parents and their health. For our home. For our jobs.

I am thankful that I have been given the chance to experience new scrapbooking goals that I set for myself. I am thankful for my art and the places it has taken me over the last year.

I am thankful for my health. Even though I eventually had to give in to blood pressure is stable and I feel so much better. I lost 15 lbs (we want mention the 10 I gained back just recently) which has made me feel better about myself.

I am thankful for God and the strength that he gives me each day.

And I am thankful for blog readers...for being there and just hanging out with me here and there.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

ellen s. said...

that is so great! have a wonderful holiday!