Sunday, May 6, 2018

A note to my children

A note to my children....

I know with Mother's Day only a week away...that you both are pondering "what should I get mom"....or you have already asked me "Hey mom what do you want"....or I know you have already asked your dad ;)


The last 7 months has taught me so much in so many different ways. One of those things has been material items. Sure it is great to have the latest and have fun toys or more craft supplies or pretty bling or this and that. But does it make you happy....I mean deep down truly happy? Is it what you really, really want? For me....not anymore. You see.....7 months ago I was pretty sure I was going to lose your dad. I really and truly was scared. Underneath the strength I tried to muster was always in the back of my mind. Real quickly I realized that over time we let ourselves become wrapped up in things that don't really matter. And we lose sight of what truly makes us happy in life.

3 months ago I got to watch the birth of my second grandbaby. THIS! This is what matters. 2 months ago your dad was told he is in remission. THIS! This is what makes my heart smile to the heavens. Watching the two of you grow into adults and then grow your own little families....THIS is what every mother wants. I have done my job as a mother......and now I get the chance to sit back and watch YOU grow into parenthood with your dad sitting right here beside me. To watch Butterbean give her mom a run for her watch Peanut smile and laugh......the joy that brings me is unexplainable.

You want to know what I want for Mother's Day...
my sweet children...
I already have everything I want in my my family. There is nothing on this earth that means more to me than that.

I love you always,

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