Didn't I say I was going to take a break...ha...So much for that.
Lots of book reviews today.
First...I finally finished the House of Night Series ending with Awakened. Sadly I can't tell you much about it without giving it all away...BUT...I can say that I really love the twists and turns this series took. I love that good people are putting faith in bad people and the bad begin making good choices (is that too much of a giveaway...lol). I believe one more book is coming out this year. Can't wait. I am already missing Zoey....interested on how things will go with Heath....loving Rephaim.....can't stand Eric....and of course dislike the High Priestess.
Onto Book 13 - The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.
WOW. I read this book in about a days time. I just couldn't put it down and it was really a quick read...flowed so nicely. And so moving. I wanted to cry through the whole book. It reminded me so much of my Nanny. If you have ever had to deal with this disease with a loved one you will totally understand. It is hard. Hard on the family. Hard on that person. I remember seeing my grandmother for the last time and her not even knowing who I was. I sold this book the other day in a yard sale and the buyer told me about another Nicholas Sparks book that picks up where this one left off and talks about their daughter. I can't remember the name of it now but will have to check it out. I wasn't sure if I would like his books....to romancy for me...but so far the two I have read I have really enjoyed. So we will see. I think I have two more laying around the house somewhere.
Book 14 - The Fever Series - FaeFever.
Okay back to the Fever Series. This is a short series. I think there are only 2 more books in it that I know of. FaeFever is the third in the series. I really like Mac and her journey thru Dublin. She has grown into another type of woman right before my eyes. Harder. Smarter. I keep trying not to flip through the books to see what kind of person Barrons is. I just don't know. I can't tell if he is good or evil. I really hated what happened to Mac in this book. I've already started the next book in the series and I am hoping that somehow Barrons saves Mac and she doesn't become Pri-ya. I think what I like the most about this series is that you don't know who to trust...who is good...who is Fae in disguise. You are finding out right along side Mac.
I started the next book in the series last night....DreamFever. I know....I needed to take a break but I just can't actually. I need my reading time. And hey...not bad...14 books done this year so far. Only 38 more to go. And I do believe I am ahead :)
On another note....
I decided to go to the funeral/viewing tonight. It will be hard...seeing family I haven't seen in 13+ years BUT...I am there to pay my respects to MawMaw..not discuss family situations.
Little Miss Danie hasn't been feeling well. I felt so bad for her yesterday. Hoping she feels better today. Her and I just had our own conversation yesterday...cooking and smiling. I just love it. Simply love it. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE being a grandmother. It is wonderful.
I starting cutting the center square for my Birdies Stitching quilt. Still a long way to go on this one but I am making progress as I find time. I think that is my downfall....just not enough time in the day for me to get done everything I want to do. I guess it is that way for everyone...I hate it though...I want to finish all my projects and in a timely manner...so I can start new ones :)

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