Sunday, January 23, 2011

Creative Weekend

Sometimes you just need them.  I started the weekend working on this quilt. I had already cut all the parts and just sewed them together on Saturday. This was a pain in the tush quilt. I had to rip seams so many times and start over. not fun!  I'm hoping that once I get the backing and binding on it that I will like it. Right now...I'm not so sure. But we will see. The quilting part really does make a difference in the appearance.

Sunday, after lots of running aroung, turned into a painting day. I have had this idea for this painting floating in my head for a few days now. It is really challenging getting it from my head to the actual canvas but once I start it really starts to come together. There is still lots to do on this one...and it works my patience when I have to wait for paint to dry but I am hoping it will turn out like the finished project in my head. I used an entire jar of stucco paste...ugh.


I also finished a page for my art journal but I can't seem to get it loaded straight. Maybe I can work on that and have you a blog post tomorrow too :)

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