A lot has happened since I last posted in May.
We finally were able to get past the swollen lymph notes. He did end up having not only a needle biopsy but then turned around and had two of the nodes removed. Both biopsies came back good and only revealed reactive lymph nodes. He continued his antibiotics well into June.
The Leukemia dr....the ENT....the Infectious Disease doctor...no one could figure out what was the cause of everything. Which we guess is good? Either way we are over that hurdle.
But during that time frame his shoulders began to hurt considerably. So we added a Rheumatoid specialist to the mix of physicians. All those tests came back normal as well.
The Leukemia doctor finally was able to release him from the BMT clinic. That was a happy day. But on the same day his platelets fell with no explanation. Over the course of a month they would fluctuate and the oncologist referred us back to the BMT for another Bone Marrow Biopsy. The fear was that his Leukemia had returned. After an agonizing few weeks we found out that he is STILL IN REMISSION! Thank you Lord.
We just saw the Leukemia doctor this week and he does not have to return for another 6 months. This is AWESOME! So right now he is cancer clean. We also began seeing an Orthopedic for his shoulders. It appears he has Frozen Shoulder. The cause....possibly the chemo and being inactive for 10 months. So we start physical therapy in a few weeks and he received shots in each shoulder.
I think we are finally over the biggest hill and we can now start the decent to a semi normal life again. We are 11 months from his initial diagnosis. It's hard to believe that it has been so long and then on other days it feels like it has been forever since this started.
We have a full few months. With Physical Therapy...Paulding Meadows...hopefully a trip away...then another art show in November.
We also celebrated our 20th Anniversary on July 31st. I tried my best to make this the most amazing anniversary. Every day in July I shared on Social Media why I love him. Sharing pictures from the past...his crazy antics...and just simply wanting him to know exactly why he means so much to me. On our anniversary I was able to give him a sign that I made, with a little help from my friends, that had I love you spelled out in a bunch of different languages. He really is the center of my life and I love him so very much. I'm looking forward to many more anniversaries to come.
Okay stay tuned because I will be posting my kitchen backsplash redo that I accomplished back in May as well as a few other DIY projects we have finished and a few in the works.

1 comment:
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their WEBSITE www.ultimatelifeclinic.com . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
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