But it is TOTALLY awesome! Today we headed back down to Emory Midtown for a Physical Therapy appointment and to see Dr. Vivas (the ENT surgeon). Physical Therapy went well. There are still a few things that are challenging for Billy but that is to be expected. I mean really...we are only 10 weeks post op so I think where he is right now is amazing. He doesn't experience too much dizziness which I think is GREAT. The balance will always be a challenge for him but I think he is doing outstanding. The Physical Therapist RELEASED him! WOOT! So one down and one more to go.
Then we headed over to see Dr. Vivas. Have I mentioned how much I love that doctor! Totally amazing and I am so glad we started this journey with her. She smiled so big when she saw Billy. The last time she saw him he couldn't eat and had pneumonia so it was a large improvement. She took a look at his face....and said hmmmmmm several times. She seems to think that she may have seen some twitching....and he has experienced some signs of tingles (almost like you have laid on your arm for too long) in his face. She says this is good. That the nerve will start firing back up and make those kinds of sensations. I have told him to not get discouraged. I really, truly, deep in my heart feel that his face function will return. It will just take time which we have plenty of :) She was impressed with his spunk today and how ready to get to work he is. Everything looked great. Incision looks good. She stated that his stiff neck is from the muscles that they had to cut into...which I had no idea they did. Who knew you had muscles behind your ear. So the best part...she RELEASED him too!!!!
Now for the final okay.....tomorrow he heads back to the Eye Surgeon to see how that is healing. If all goes okay he will be able to return to work on February 17th!!! AWESOME!!!!! He is on cloud 9 and ready to get back to a "new normal" life. I'm very excited for him. It's been a long 10 weeks for sure but he has come so far.
Dr. Vivas did mention that after about a year IF the facial stuff does not improve that they would recommend a muscle surgery that brings his droop back up. And also a hearing aid. It doesn't give him hearing on that side but will reroute the noise so that he can know where it is coming from. Large, noisy rooms are hard for him right now. But we will see how this year goes. Our next appointment will be in March to see Dr. H, the Neurosurgeon, again and another MRI. We still have a little fraction of that pesky tumor left in there so it will consist of monitoring to make sure it is not growing. But our Emory visits are deminishing! YEAH!
I'm sure my blog posts will be slowing down....please know that I am not ignoring anyone...just not as many updates because really....he is DOING GREAT! That is a good thing. I've enjoyed reviving my blog again so I may just keep plugging away with our happenings around here. Maybe this year will bring lots of new beginnings for us :) Time will tell.
Much love and lots of hugs!
Such totally FABULOUS news!! I'll continue to keep your family in my prayers. Big hugs!
Thank you so much Leah!!!
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